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lundi 9 décembre 2013

Parsley health benefits and how to achieve them:
earns the skin softer and Freshness, and so that Nnqa a handful of leaves and tender stems after cutting it, and put In a pot and pour out two cups of boiling water, and simmer for 10 minutes and then Drink from this cup soaked amount 4 times a day after sweeten with sugar or honey,remover for menstrual pain and congestion associated with them, and So soak 20 g of fresh leaves for 5 minutes in a pint of boiling water, Drink in batches within 24 hours.The (Ibjul), which is extracted from the seeds of Almadnos, has a distinctive effect in regulating menstruation. The oil is used Alobiol Now for this purpose in the form of capsules, each containing one (10-15) from the drop Oil.
Paul diuretic and helps the kidneys to perform their functions, and that boiling 50 g of roots Almadnos for 3 minutes, then left it in the water again 10 d, and then drink Soaked by a cup every 6 hours.used in cases of dropsy (Alodomh) the same way. Using remover for eyes and swelling Tabhma, and so that we take a bunch of papers The fresh legs, and put them in a pot, then pour the amount of two cups of boiling water Them, and leave it for 10 d and then filtered soaked leaves and even temperature and then fade away Ngams Compresses soaked in this and put it on the eyes Amoamadtin and leave for 15 d, and Returned process 3 times a day.
useful in vaginal infections, and so
Boil 10 g of seeds Almadnos in a liter of water and then washes out the vaginal area 3 Times a day, thus easing 'and to a large degree' vaginal and vulvar itching. Preventsinflammatorybowel prevents constipation
facilitates the process of digestion, it also is used to prevent fermentation and gas repellent a painkiller used for renal colic and in cases of kidney stones.
useful in the case of diseases of the liver and spleen
Useful for the purity of the skin, and by placing a large amount of leaves in a vase containing ½ A liter of water and put on the fire to boil ¼ hours, then leave to cool and then soaked Used to wash the face to earn freshness. 
Prevents hair loss, and that Grind seeds crushes well moistened and a little water into the form of a paste before Use, and then placed on the head and massaged by Vruh, and returned the same process daily For 7 days. useful in cases of nausea that accompanies sometimes some people when traveling, so chewing leaves before and during travel.
using the above-mentioned drenched Almadnos to ease arthritis and relieve pain. used to relieve the pain of the ear, where a piece of wet gauze juice Almadnos and placed inside the ear Kvtalh which helps the demise of those pains.
used to relieve the pain of the teeth, and that the use of soaked Kamadamadh mouth.

useful to mitigate insect stings, and by placing the dried leaves on the sting. Kkmadat dried leaves are used for bruises and sprains articular and soaked in alcohol removes traces of bruises. useful in cases of anemia, because it is rich in the element iron,to Madnos Rumi diuretic effect of breastfeeding milkis used as an appetite suppressant contributes to the construction of the walls of blood vessels. strengthens the structures of children has a good effect in stimulating memory protects against infection developed rickets because it contains high levels of calcium.
The Almadnos good remover smell of garlic and onions from the mouth when chewed after a meal.


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