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Nigella sativa, or black bean or black cumin plant species belongs to the superfamily Alihumanah. Known by other names, including Aelkezhh, Nigella, Hunaaz, Ealonga black, black caraway.
Black bean and nutritional value:
When ripe black bean seeds contain 40% of the oil firm and one of the saponins (Almilanten) and about 1.4% of volatile oil. Contains black bean or Nigella sativa on many nutrients Kalawmija 3 and omega-6, and contain all the essential amino acids, and in the following lines we will review together the benefits of black bean in detail:
1 - Nigella sativa, or black bean seeds are considered expelling flatus and stimulant and diuretic.
2 - black bean heal wounds unequivocal and scorpion bites and eczema
3 - black bean antiseptic and anti-intestinal worms, especially in children.
4 - is a black bean-generating menstruation and useful in asthma and tonic for the immune system.
5 - black bean placed between the folds of clothing stored Ktardh of the moth.
6 - Nigella sativa useful in the treatment of diseases of the colon and prostate, a stimulant to the nerves and sex, for the treatment of diabetes. The user part of this plant is where the black seeds gathered
Nigella sativa oil contains many of the essential fatty acids. Nigella sativa contain a substance Nigellone which is a natural antioxidant, as well as glutathione. Nigella sativa seeds contain acid Alerganin
Diseases dealt with black bean:
1-Black bean .. And malaria:
Presented the results of two studies published in the American Journal of toxins and Akir medical journal Malaysian Medical Sciences for the year 2007 on the effectiveness of black bean against the malaria parasite showed lab results conducted on mice effectiveness of strong grain black in the suppression of the disease and its treatment, prevention and who promised that they contain active ingredients may be drawn to represent a new leap against malaria.
2 - black bean .. And germs:
Dr (Mercy) from Cairo University to conduct a study published in the journal Acta Microbiol Pol in 2000 to learn about the effects of black bean germs .. so he studied 16 species of bacteria gram negative, and 6 types of positive bacteria gram. Showed a response to some types of germs black bean extract.
3-Black bean and prevention of liver damage:
It is known that black seed oil has protective effects for the liver is protected from certain types of liver poisoning. It is also known that the black bean itself is used in folk medicine in the treatment of liver diseases.
That is why many of the studies confirmed that giving black bean solution has led to the reduction of toxic effects of chlorine fourth carbon on the liver. It was the level of liver enzymes less when rats given black bean, as was the effect of the toxic substance to liver tissue is less clear, also confirmed the latest studies confirmed that the mice that were given black seed oil have been less susceptible to sabotage the liver when given toxic substances such as fourth-chlorine-carbon .
4-Black bean .. Prevention of colon cancer:
Many researchers conducted a study on 45 rats, and gave the chemical caused cancer of the colon. I give a rat Thirty black seed oil by mouth. After 14 weeks of the beginning of the experiment, the researchers noted that there are no cancerous changes in the colon, liver or kidneys in mice that were given black seed oil, which suggests that black seed oil pilot has the ability to prevent colon cancer.
5-Black bean and breast cancer:
In a study out of the University (Jackson, Mississippi) in the United States, researchers found that the use of black bean extract has been effective in the inhibition of breast cancer cells, which opens the door to further studies in this area.
6-Black bean .. And bronchial asthma:
Researchers from King Saud University in Riyadh to study the effect of Althemukenon (a basic compound found in black seed oil) on pieces of windpipe (Trachea) brutal pig Guinea Pig. The study results showed that Althemukenon relaxes the muscles of the trachea, ie it expands the trachea and bronchi, and this is what helps in the treatment of bronchial asthma.
7-Black bean in the treatment of diarrhea and asthma:
It is known that black bean used in the treatment of bronchial asthma and diarrhea for a long time. The Dr (Gilani) to study the impact of black bean extract in the laboratory to see do the expanded tubing and muscle relaxant Spasmolytic. The study confirmed that the black seed oil Mrkhia impact of the muscles of the bronchi and expanded, the mechanism of calcium restriction, which gives the base explain the effect of the pill, known in the black folk medicine.
8-Black bean .. Cholesterol:
Researchers from the University of King Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco, to conduct a study the effect of black seed oil on cholesterol levels and blood sugar in mice. Where mice were given 1 mg / kg of black seed oil hard for 12 weeks. At the end of the study decreased cholesterol by 15%, and triglycerides (Triglisred) by 22%, and blood sugar increased by 16.5%, and hemoglobin rose by 17.5%. This suggests that the black seed oil can be effective in lowering blood cholesterol and blood sugar in humans, but it needs more studies be proven in humans before. In research conducted by Dr. (Mohammad Dakhakhni) published in a German magazine in September 2000, research showed that black seed oil to effect lowering blood cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in mice.
9-Black bean .. And high blood pressure:
And Casablanca in Morocco came out a paper in which researchers studied the effect of black bean extract (0.6 ml / kg per day) diuretic and hypotensive blood pressure. Rate has dropped the average blood pressure by 22% in mice treated with extracts of black bean, while it fell 18% when the mice treated Baladlat (a drug known for its impact-reducing blood pressure). And increased urinary excretion in rats treated black pill.

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