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1 . Compensation sugars consumed the body due to physical or mental effort .
2 . Material therapeutic and preventive and high nutritional value are useful for children and adults alike . 
3 . Treat digestive disorders and infectious diarrhea poison and prevents stomach ulcers and ten female .
4 . The treatment of chronic hepatitis and inflammation of the gallbladder and help break up Hsoadtha . 
5 . Treatment of diseases of the heart and strengthens the heart muscle. 
6 . Treatment of poor infrastructure and anemia and raise the proportion of hemoglobin in blood . 
7 . Alleviate insomnia and sleep helps to rapidly Pacific .
8 . Treat nervous headaches and nervous system inflammation .
9 . Treatment of rheumatism and arthritis.
10 . Resistance impotence and infertility. 
11 . Works to improve the growth of bones and teeth and prevent rickets risk for children and useful for children when teething . 
12 . Remover good for cough and has a soothing effect to the throat and tonsillitis . 
13 . The treatment of pre-eclampsia and menstrual pain and benefit pregnant women during pregnancy and childbirth , and strengthen the contractility of the uterus during childbirth and increases milk production.
14 . Prevents cancer and is used in the treatment of breast cancer . 
15 . Helps improve the ability to sight and prevention of night blindness and inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva and the edge of the eyelid .
16 . Treat infections and skin diseases and prevent their occurrence , including Alakzmia and herpes , psoriasis, boils and is used as a treatment for burns very successful . 
17 . Very useful for pulmonary infections and respiratory illnesses , colds and tuberculosis .
18 . Complexion is very useful for women where he works to reduce wrinkles and softening it. 
19 . Treat infections of the sweat glands and mammary gland inflammation . 
20 . The treatment of phlegm and prevent its formation in the lungs , especially in smokers .
21 . Treat infections of the kidneys, ureters , bladder and kidney stones .
22 . Treat infections of the gums , tongue, tooth decay and chapped lips.
23 . The treatment of diabetes . 
24 . The treatment of abdominal swelling and frequent gas and constipation and hemorrhoids .
25 . Treatment Ollarade urination in children. 
26 . Uses in weight loss .Types of honey bees 
Honey mountain 
It's best used in diseases of the liver and digestive system , anemia, general weakness , diabetes , surgery , burns and antiviral hepatic and liver cancer and is useful in the treatment of addiction and benefit pregnant women and infants . 
Honey affectionate over the mountain 
Used to treat diabetes and diseases of the liver and gall bladder
Honey Olive
 Prevents cancer and is useful for the treatment of patients with AIDS , heart disease and inflammation of the liver and gallbladder
Honey wild flowers 
Used in the treatment of weight loss and dry throat and cough , and improve the ability to treat headaches and visual nervous system and prevents infection impetigo and eczema , psoriasis, boils 
Honey Lhalfaber 
Is used to treat kidney disease and inflammation of the bladder and ureter as it helps to break up kidney stones and bladder 
Honey Nigella sativa
Is used to treat cough and pulmonary infections and strengthen the immune system and strengthen the heart muscle and keeping blood sugar and blood circulation
Thyme Honey 
Useful for abdominal swelling and frequent gases and urinary tract infections and reproductive and general weakness , headache, cough and to treat anemia and infections of the pharynx
Sidr Honey 
Useful in diseases of the liver and digestive system , anemia, general weakness and diabetes, and it is useful for wounds antiseptic for wounds and helps speed Eltamha . 
Honey cloves 
Is used to treat mouth ulcers and pain gums and teeth and prevent tooth decay and indigestion 
Nawara clover honey 
Keeps blood sugar so it is useful for adults and children and a diuretic and treatment of diarrhea 
Honey Aloashabatabah
 ( Coriander , mint , chamomile, anise , cumin, caraway )Useful for stomach and intestinal cramps and bloating and helps in digestion and intestinal infections and digestive system and prevent constipation and pre-eclampsia and repelling gas and expectorant 
Honey strawberries
 Paperboard and tonic for immunity and is useful for the treatment of anemia as he Anti- fatigue , physical and mental , and easy absorption so -called honey athletes
Honey Sesame 
Useful in cases of sore throat , trachea, constipation and prevents atherosclerosisHibiscus HoneyUseful in expanding arteries and control blood pressure and treatment of Alzheimer's and general tonic 
Honey Lemon
 Useful for the treatment of insomnia and nerves, bronchitis and treatment of colic and muscle contraction and cough
Honey basil 
Useful in calming the nerves and stress and depression and the treatment of migraine headaches , joint pain and muscle spasms
Honey Melon 
Works on keeping the balance of the body and food exchange is useful in cases of cough , insomnia, heart palpitations and calming the nervous system 
Honey orange 
Resistant cases of influenza , cold , nervous system and blood pressure 
Honey apple 
General tonic iron is important for children , especially during the period of growth 
Honey Mango
Helps to improve the functioning of the nervous system and the strengthening of sight 
Honey Marjoram
Useful for cases of asthma and allergic chest and dysmenorrhea in women and ease the pain of the liver and a tranquilizer and treat ulcers of the digestive system and removes the pain and regulates the secretion of gastric juices and acidity 
Honey Peach 
Helps build healthy cells 
Honey Banana
Useful in cases of anemia, chronic diarrhea and child nutrition and pregnancy , and working to increase the weight and cases of liver and gallbladder appetizing 
Eucalyptus honey 
Useful for the treatment of diseases of the chest and rheumatic diseases and reduces cholesterol in the blood and works to strengthen the heart muscle
Diluted to joint pain and rheumatism and useful for the treatment of wounds and burns and is used as a mask for the renewal of skin cellsDerivatives of the honey bee and its benefits
Royal Jelly 
White is the gelatinous fluid secreted by worker bees modern age of glands at the top of her head which is the staple food of the queen bee
Working to increase physical activity and mental and nervous system.Very useful in cases of Erectile Dysfunction , where he works to stimulate the gonads .Prevent skin wrinkles and delay aging and good for the diseases of aging and psychological breakdown for the elderly and inflammation of the prostate.The treatment of liver diseases .Appetizing for adults and children and is working to increase fertility .Treatment of disorders of the nerves and loss of appetite and prevents risk of developing diabetes .Good remedy for weak growth and dryness of the mouth and lips.Treat anemia and neuralgia .Prevents infection of the oral cavity and the incidence of dysentery and many skin diseases, migraine headaches , hair loss, and intestinal diseases and hardening of the arteries and the accumulation of cholesterol.Treat some skin diseases and useful in wound healing and makes the skin smoother and more flexible and transparent.The treatment of ulcers of the twelve .Strengthens the immune system .Resistance to fatigue and exhaustion , especially resulting from insomnia.Raise the efficiency of mind and memory power .
Considered pollen ( pollen ) is the most important substance produced by bees where flowers collected by bees from wandering through them to collect nectar which then Akhaltha nectar 
Improve the ability to reproduce , and is very useful for cases of infertility in women and the elimination of stress and the removal of all symptoms during the menstrual cycle  .Strengthen the liver and book toxicities and prevent the deposition of fat and protect the liver from cirrhosis of the liver .Prevent nervous tension and prostate diseases. Strengthens the bodies of children , youth and adults and provides them with vitamins, enzymes and minerals important .5 . Treatment of hemorrhoids and weak veins and capillaries .6 . Rebuild and strengthen the immune system.Helps tighten the skin and relaxing the body .Treat indigestion , wasting and underweight and helps to regulate appetite and food conversion process in the body.Treatment of diseases of aging.Increase the body's resistance to colds and flu popular .Increase red blood cells and increase the percentage of hemoglobin.Beneficial to the health of pregnant women and fetuses .Useful for patients who are being treated with drugs and radioactive patients exposed to detect X- League .The treatment of wounds and skin rejuvenation burning .The treatment of inflammatory bowel minutes.The treatment of bleeding conjunctivitis .Prevent internal bleeding , which affects people with hypertension and diabetes.
Gum Bees 
Is a substance produced by bees by assembling materials gummy resin from the bark of trees and buds and processed in special ways and add some items for them such as pollen and give it some secretions from bees Btonh has several other names such as propolis and propolis and bee glue . 
Natural antibiotic with a superior ability to kill many types of fungi and bacteria.Anti- fungal and viral diseases .Enters in the composition of disinfectants surgical operations .The treatment of wounds and Cuttings and Altzlkhat burns and helps the formation of tissues and speed wound healing Useful for arthritis and rheumatic fever and treat infections musculature hinge .Resistance of some skin diseases and prevents the formation of skin cancer .Treatment of diseases of the mouth, ear and throat and flu Treatment of some diseases and gastric ulcer and duodenum and colon and resistant to colon cancer.Successful treatment for thyroid disease .The treatment of chronic eczema .Kill cancer cells and stop their activities .
Is the glandular secretion of the worker honeybees from gland ( Alastrnat ) located on the surface of the lower belly rings Dipset 
Treat stuffy nose and colds and sinus infections and swelling of the tissues of the nose.Treat severe hay fever symptoms such as stop and stop tearing open eye and a runny nose and stop the runny nose and stop the theft of the throat.Alleviate allergies gradually .Useful in the treatment of skin diseases such as the treatment of sores , especially contaminated ones .Considered material and mildly laxative and sedative and anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial growth .Useful for gingivitis and tooth decay and cleans teeth from sediments and strengthens the gums.
Bee venom 
White is a liquid transparent bees to push it inside the body of the enemy by stinging machine which has a pungent smell and taste of scruples over 
The treatment of rheumatic fever and muscle and joint pain rheumatic and rheumatic heart muscle .Treat some infections such as infections and inflammation of the nerves of the sciatic nerve and femoral Treat sciatica and pains resulting from heavy lifting and gout.The treatment of skin diseases such as bubonic rash and lupus and psoriasis. Reduce the spread of cancerous diseases digestive system Treat certain eye diseases such as inflammation of the iris and ciliary body inflammation and reduce the pressure of the bottom of the eye.Treat goiter accompanied Bjehoz eyes.Treatment of people suffering from blood thinners. Treat AIDS and malaria treatment . 
The treatment of pre-eclampsia and recurrent miscarriage .

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