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mercredi 4 décembre 2013

SALVIA is a herbaceous plant Muammar small her sweat rise slightly from the ground up to 30 cm on average branching including twigs, and leaves a length of more than one display, the length of the paper between two to four centimeters (2.4 cm) and displayed within a half cm, Green silky texture colored wicker which becomes dark red whenever Balnepth age. A platoon of oral, which includes basil, mint, basil, thyme, Alemramip of months and older plants that are used in medicine, ancient and modern. And is famous for its countries of the Mediterranean basin. Abound in places in the mountainous land fallow, particularly in the areas bounded by the mountainous terrain and Alsnasl stone in places called locally (Aremeian) and called in other places Shrub. And there throughout the year and thrive in the spring and early summer, and the color of the flower turns pink and then to the fruit the size of a cherry, and becomes the color white in the case of drought.
He told the world about Gerrard in the seventh century two tenths discarded memory strengthens weak and would return in a short time, has confirmed researcher England where this argument proved to be discarded landing the enzyme responsible for breaking down Astyayl Colin brain that causes Alzheimer's. It also features discarded materials antioxidant is the most important vehicle mission in sage essential oil, which contains a compound Altheojohn (Thujone), but must be wary of the use of a large amount of this compound where he cause some spasms, and contain Alemramip essential oils and flavonoids and phenolic acids and materials Afsip Article Effective date back to the pilot fuel vehicles.
Other names: Qojseh, soft, Xialh, Asfaks, Alvaks, deer tongue, Aizqan. 
Scientific name: Salvia officnalis Parts used,including: 
the leaves and flowering heads.
Benefits Salvia: Alemramip used as an astringent and antiseptic and scented and expelling the gas discount sweat and tonic generating estrogen-reducing breasts to produce milk. Also used against infections and against muscle cramps and anti several types of bacteria. As used Kmqoah nerves. Also used as a monthly habit.
The scientific researcher Jordanian importance of plant Sagebrush herbal treatment of some incurable diseases, particularly cancer. Said a professor of pharmacology and natural vegetation at the University of Science and Technology of Jordan Dr Ahmad Kamali that practical experience and scientific conducted on plant extract Sagebrush gave good results in curbing and disable cancer cells in humans . added says in his study on this topic that eating extract Sagebrush helped God's will to a large extent in stopping the spread of the cells of cancer that afflicts some parts of the body, especially colon, lung, breast and that taking the extract Sagebrush contributes to a large extent in the treatment of gum disease and the tonsils, throat, indigestion digestion and diabetes fact that the herb sage is working to stop the mold in a body. AH.
Sage is used today in the treatment of many health disorders, most notably:
Digestive disorders, loss of appetite and increased secretions in the stomach.
 Menstrual disorders and symptoms of menopause and help Sagebrush better flow of blood through menstruation, thanks to the advantages enjoyed by hormonal. They also ease the sweating and hot flashes experienced by women in menopause.
Invigorating blood circulation, recommended exams and days with severe anemia and impaired memory, and hands shiver.
Reinforcing the work of the stomach and intestines, and reports against vomiting, diarrhea and bleeding feminist, and gonorrhea.
Benefit from the weakness of the lungs and recurrent infections colds and flu and allergies
Useful for the treatment of asthma. Remain dry leaves are added to other herbs used to treat asthma.
The weakness of the lungs and recurrent infections colds and flu and allergies.

Useful for sore gums, throat and larynx.
Contain Sagebrush Alrosmarinek acid, a powerful anti-inflammatory and relieves rheumatism and muscle spasms.

Reduce the level of sugar in the blood.  
Benefit for the treatment of depression and nervous exhaustion.
Drink before sleep relieves insomnia and anxiety and fatigue, especially in the elderly.
They are: tonic, tonic, anti-sweat, his position for milk yield, repellent winds, anti-diarrheal, antipyretic for blood sugar, emmenagogue, anti-asthma, antiseptic, antiseptic, anti spasms, antipyretic, digester, diuretic, astringent, described Lalla diarrhea, described the hysteria, and the degeneration of the nervous system, to dispel the Depression, for insomnia, pain of rheumatism and arthritis, asthma, shortness of breath, for lack of sexual, to enhance memory, the weakness of the recovery, and the fatigue of thought and body.

The recommended dose is: from the leaves of sage teaspoon to fill the cup has been boiled twice a day.

How to use it:
infusion with hot water: the grip of sage thrown in a liter of boiling hot water, then cover the pot .. The patient was 10-15 minutes. Strain and drink filling Bayala 3-4 times daily treated by the following cases:
Digestion difficult, Puff, the weight of the stomach, diarrhea, dizziness, vomiting, gastroenteritis, intestinal gas, liver trouble, kidney colic, throbbing high pressure,. Colds flu, insomnia, depression, hysteria, fever, weakness and degeneration of powers, fatigue, mental and physical, and Alcrostrul diabetes, rheumatism, sexual frigidity, in men, launched a desperation disorders, infections feminist .. Otaatdham lack of menstruation, and pain associated with it, in the latter case, this starts to eat sage emulsion week before the deadline for the victor menstruation.
boiled: the grip from the leaves of sage green boil five minutes in a liter of water put out the fire and then left another five minutes then drain.
Dosage: fill Baalh 4 times a day to stop the milk lactating far weaning their babies or when you get to abort the fetus 0.3 Baalat per day effective tonic tonic prescribed in cases of: weakness weakness, sexual dysfunction, neurological degeneration.
boiled: Qdtan Tglian sage leaves in a liter of water for five minutes. Extinguish the fire. Patient by ten minutes of emulsification (infusion), filtered and used gargle and rinse: inflammation of the gums, teeth, throat, and tonsils, (the turnoff) sores inside the mouth because of the heat of the stomach and tired of the liver, for purely sound, to perfume the breath, and to eliminate evaporation stinking ..
vaginal injections: the timing of the uterus and vagina and revive Ttherhma, to eliminate infections, Ala. Klan, gonorrhea White, demibain: anal itching and itching in the genitals, wash its face to nourish the skin and tighten
 powdered dried leaves in the shade: finely crushed: used instead of toothpaste strengthens the gums, to prevent and kill weevils, perfumed breath, pulling the gums
to get rid of the smell of the old and waged among children: thrown much of this powder teaspoon income of each shoe.
 Mask aesthetic: Amarham this powder with honey for oily skin, and oil for normal skin and dry mixed mask it works it stays for 20 minutes. Restores the lost freshness and tightens the skin, God willing.

Means asking about the sage plant Is a reduced sugar does damage to him?

Yes leaf sage lowers diabetes but by simple, better than the ring municipal veins onions, sage taken at a dose estimated to fill a spoon eating leaves of sage added to fill a glass of water has been boiled and leave for a quarter of an hour, then drain and drink and can eat three cups per day. The sage has no damage if used according to specific doses and also not to use them on an ongoing basis.
  Means asking whether the sage plant alleviates weight if they drink after every meal?
Some references say that discarded at a rate of three doses a day after eating to reduce weight, but these references are not supported by documented scientific and clear. And sage plants that contain volatile oils and the most important compounds thujone, which represents 50% of the contents of volatile oil. It also contains the turbines bilateral visits and Flavo Nadat and phenolic acids and materials Afsip. It is the most important uses of antiseptic and astringent and aromatic and expelling gas or flatus and discount sweat and tonic. The new research suggests that sage reduces breast milk, according to other research that the volatile oil in the whole sage has an impact on the types of bacteria and anti-colic.

Prohibitions sage:
- Ban on eating sage nursing because what prevented the milk yield. As well as pregnant in the first three months because emmenagogue.
- Are not properly collected with iron because it contains (Althanin) do not attend or saves Fried made ​​of iron may not be taking steroids containing iron while eating.
- Sage of powerful drugs so stresses on the amounts and adherence to prescribed doses.
- Teaspoon each (100 mM) the amount of water you (Bayala) taken the cup on the dose or doses that separates the dose and dose-hour. May not take more than (Baalten) per day.
- Do not drink hot sage Pal lukewarm.

Importante Note:
Sagebrush benefit the most vulnerable and people with depression and suffered colic. The mood is warm and with a bloody face an herbal sedative (Kalpapunj and anise) best for them. And dumped a great benefit to the work of the ovaries and regulate blood circulation It helps in the secretion of the hormone Alostrgen. But after a break in the session menopause does not have any importance because the ovaries stop working. However, that the importance of not less Sagebrush in other aspects of memory and activate the kidneys and adjust the level of sugar.

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