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mercredi 4 décembre 2013

Herbaceous plant leaves pedunculated around his height and not more than 50 cm and covers the leaves bristles irritate the skin in contact with him, tradition says that the soldiers of Julius Caesar Roman Nipper admitted to Britain because they believe they will need to hit themselves Balaqras to get warm. Until recently, it was disking or beating Balaqras popular treatment for arthritis typically remains to this day nettles used in medicine,atonic and cleanser suitable for spring
The user of nettle roots, leaves, nettles contain the histamine and formic acid and acetylcholine and serotonin and Gelokozydat and many minerals, including silica and vitamins such as A. B. C tannins and acid, is used for generating nettle Paul has recommended that the German authorities to drink several cups of boiled nettles daily prevents and treats kidney stone. The modus operandi of the drink taking a teaspoon of powder plant and add them to a cup of water has been boiled and leave for 10 minutes then strain and drink is also nutritious and nourishing and restorative nettle and stop the bleeding and circulatory tonic .. It also lowers the blood sugar level.
Nettle Stinging Nettle Everyone knows that nettle green contains papers and its branches on the bristles cause and Khoza of the skin when exposed her and I've used this phenomenon to alleviate the pain of sciatica, where plucking plant and then hits it sciatica cause mild irritation of the skin, which in turn causes an alert to the nerve eases the pain. But nettle is used to relieve the pain of sciatica excruciating another way, a way where compresses taken all parts of the plant and operates it compresses placed on the sites of pain the pain disappears

Nettle Stinging Nettle nettle and herbaceous plant around scientifically known as Urtica Dioica known in some areas as the fire, the old hair
The user of the plant: all its parts and the plant contains compounds Hstamenih and formic acid and silicon materials Afsip and potassium salts and Jlecoqonyen and iron and hydroxy Terbtamen and vitamins A, C, and Bourdon. Has proposed the organization of Rheumatology that the amount of 3 milligrams of metal Albordon day helps in the treatment of rheumatic bones and arthritis In an analysis conducted in the United States for Nettle found that contain 47 ppm of metal Albordon This means that for every 100 grams progress of nettle attend by cooking steam contains more of the dose-mentioned metal Albordon and the possibility of arthritis patients taking this amount per day of plant Nettle. It is also, according to the Organization diseases Romatezim Van Albordon him great influence in the detention of calcium in the bones, it also has the benefit of other no less important than its usefulness first, namely the preservation of endocrine (hormone), the body that plays a role in the survival of the joints and bones in good health . There are products made ​​of nettles are sold in local markets. And it enhances the benefits of the work of the prostate, and resistant to high heat and pain reliever, and is used in cases of anemia and rheumatism and allergies, has a lot of minerals
Fire (diskette or nettles)
Of annuals, which appear in the agricultural lands, are annoying, unwanted grass and hard to get rid of it. Body covered with bristles plants to withstand wide bases in the liquid component of several chemicals, most notably substance histamine and formic acid
This opens up the capillaries when the pointed peaks as soon as contact with the human body and emptied of their contents, causing a burning sensation and abrasion of the skin. Burning sensation caused by the pangs of ritual and substance histamine injected, but the pangs Filament her greatest influence. Human suffering severe pain when he tried to uproot the plant fire in his hand without wearing a glove suitable, or when you walk barefoot in a field dominated by the fire. So often resemble human children or wayward sons of his neighbors as "appetizers Fire" or "Fire fry" expressed as useless and not harvested from behind, but the damage and pain! Even so, the plant fire great value Couches nutritious and medical and cleaner, and at the same time a good feed for cows. In these lines I will highlight the importance of this plant famous harm and submerged utility for the benefit
The ancients used externally to re-fire activity lips paralyzed, and internally for the treatment of hemoptysis from lung and other types of bleeding, these uses have continued until the present day. It is said that the Roman soldiers during the reign of Julius Caesar introduced the fire to Roman Britain in the belief that they will need to hit it to get themselves warm. Until recently, it was beaten by the fire or "disking" Typically a popular treatment for arthritis and rheumatism
Fire featuring sex or diskette (Urtica) several types of the most important in Libya U.urens and Roman fire or fire Italian (U.Pilulifera). First type is growing in the fields, which is smaller than the second type and a few stinging hairs, and spreads widely in Libya. The second type is growing in places rich Balzbal features a wide range of strong hairs and dark green leaves triangular, larger than the small leaf fire . Dioica) which is the most widely used, and this type is rare in our country 
Another type grows abundantly in Europe (U. Dioica) which is the most widely used, and this type is rare in our country
Contains plant fire in general on formic acid, histamine, chlorophyll, acetylcholine 0.5 - hydroxytryptamine, metals (iron, silica, potassium, manganese, sulfur), vitamin (a) and (c)
Although the man may curse the plant fire in the field because of his power, but it is invaluable Couches nutrient rich in vitamins and minerals, rich in Couches Medical effective. In the spring, where the plant is available in abundance can be cooked and tender green leaves are eaten like spinach, or made ​​into a delicious drink, or drink tea like Nqaaha.
Fire works juice Kmqo values ​​after the cold winter; because it is considered the best source of minerals, also works as an effective treatment for anemia (anemia); presence of vitamin C every good. The characteristics of the plant fire refreshing (booster) for blood to make it fit for girls at puberty and women at menopause
Ensures the absorption of iron metal well. The characteristics of the plant fire refreshing (booster) for blood to make it fit for girls at puberty and women at menopause
Fire encourages the flow of breast milk, and lowers blood sugar levels
The fire and the position of the clutch bleeding, used internally for the treatment of heavy menstrual, and externally used powder fire Shamma (Sauta) to stop the bleeding nose Blood Simple. Tea made ​​from the leaves of the fire increases the excretion of uric acid, a process that may explain the use of this plant as a remedy for arthritis and gout. The fire is useful in the treatment of eczema.
The fire Mhoaa good hair, it enhances the acid plant health gloss hair, also has a long established reputation as a stop to hair loss. Well placed in the fire boiled rinse hair, or massaged by the scalp, combing hair every other day
How to use
When you disconnect the fire to be wearing gloves, then wash the entire plant
Prepare Shampoo fire
Placed a large handful of the plant almost in a small saucepan with a handle (preferably enameled) with enough water to cover the plant. Then placed the container contents on the backburner for a quarter of an hour until it takes to boil. Beyond the pot from the fire. Row solution in the glass vase and leave it to cool. Use the solution immediately or save it in the fridge

Prepare Tea Fire: Mlakta tea from green grass (or dry) per cup of boiling water (quantity per dry grass of equal amounts of three green grass)
Green grass (or dry) per cup of boiling water (quantity per dry grass of equal amounts of three green grass)
Pour boiling water on the plant in the tea kettle, fridge Ouguet. Coverage necessary; because they kept active substances and prevent evaporated with steam. Leave the fridge for 10 to 15 minutes to spread active substances with water. Row content in the cup. Desalination can this little tea with honey

  You have to prepare two cups of tea a small fire on the two, and shared with me the first time in my child's drinking cup smaller, and the second time was not shared by one. Add a spoonful of honey has all at once, may add more or less to taste
You must know that this tea is free of caffeine, which carried the tea plant is known!. And that this is the way to prepare for the health of any type of tea.
This tea or infusion (especially small plants in place of parity in the spring) may be taken as a drug tonic renewed activity. And taken to alert and stimulate blood circulation and to clean the body in cases of arthritis and rheumatism, gout, eczema, for the purpose of generating milk for nursing mothers.
Fresh squeezed the entire plant, and the juice is used to treat anemia and treatment of heart failure accompanied by edema.
Plant dry can pack in PayPal and stores to provide good fodder for cows suitable in winter (dry on the plant contains 15.3% protein)
The reader may wonder about the existence of any damage to the fire

One of the references relied upon by this report, stating that giving sap (Urtica dioica) to rabbit oral caused her diarrhea only, while the injection of these juices into a vein operate CSM fast lowers act Heart, falling blood pressure, and cause Systole muscles intestine and uterus. Ibid cites a report of another researcher that stated that boiled plant toxic effects appear in the form of Thih intestine, a sense of burning on every surface of the skin, and entrapment of urine, and this is what happened to the citizen to drink boiled fire Italian (U. Pilulifera). Should not be using this type at all but in the form of lotion for the hair of the head
Use herbs as medicine should be governed like any medication doses and when required, must also stop use in the event of any type of symptoms mentioned
Means asking about the benefits of nettles?
Nipper has multiple names Valaqras in Najd and in some areas is known scientifically as Urtica dioica and scientifically Nettle is known in the south of the Kingdom on behalf of the fire, but in the south they call the name of nettles on another plant if eaten by animals poisoned nor used by human absolutely must beware of the similarity of the names of some plants and differ from region to region example Wormwood in the find is quite different from Wormwood in the south and Shafalah example, in Riyadh, known in the South as the Lasaf thing upon which we depend from a scientific point is the scientific name standardized in all the languages ​​of the world and we usually build upon our knowledge and our studies, either the local name There is no place for him in terms of scientific Go back to the medical nettle is a herbaceous plant winter around with serrated leaves a simple form containing a large number of capillaries in contact with sharp to the human body Tokhozh feels itchy and there are three types of nettle is Urtica Pilulifera, Urtica urens next to the type that we're talking about

Contains nettle, especially the leg, leaves, flowers, especially flavonoids and Kuricitin composite laminate and most notably histamine, Colin and Colin Asetayl and serotonin. It also contains Jlecoqonin addition to minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron and silicic acid, either rooted Fathtoa on Sterolat phenols, either uses pharmaceutical, they are many, especially the uses of the popular but uses documented scientifically is of interest to Continental is the most important uses of nettles he uses Kmadr and tonic in and handle and against bleeding and Anti-allergy, diuretic milk when nursing women are also rooted used against prostatic hyperplasia in men and for the use of the latter has had a recent study in the United States, Germany and Japan, have demonstrated this effect
Diskette plant relieves joint pain 
Proven medical tests on patients with rheumatoid arthritis that diskette plant known properties of diluted strong pain. The researchers explained in the British Herbal Research Foundation, after testing this herb that is used in the treatment of many countries in the world, that the diskette has succeeded in relieving joint pain significantly.
The study, published in the Royal Society of Medicine 27 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, I half diskette StingRay to roll the thumb a day for a week, while the other half used white type, a plant looks like a diskette normal but does not bite
The researchers noted that the diskette StingRay did not relieve the pain, but also kept the levels of pain less during the days of therapy, noting that although the intensity of the pain I said with the presence of stings, 85% of patients said that this effect was likely preferred mostly diskette StingRay medicines regular sedating for pain

They said that there are several possible explanations for the effect diskette pain relief, including that stings caused by somewhat similar to acupuncture, or that this plant movement of articles powerful chemically both serotonin and histamine, two of the materials neurotransmitter that affect pain perception and chemical transport through endings nervousness. Experts believe that it is too early to confirm that the treatment Balgaris will be effective and safe, but the strength of this treatment deserves further research and large-scale experiment

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